Ondelee do you consider yourself lucky?

Blessed most people are burying their children

Ondelee what would you say to the person that shot you

Was it worth it to change both our lives

Ondelee do you feel stronger after what happened to you?

Yes because I accomplished things I never thought I would have the strength to.

Ondelee where are you in your recovery?

I am still progressing God isn’t through with me yet.

Ondelee what is it like being in a wheelchair?

A lot different from not being in one, it is indescribable!

Ondelee if you had a gun would you have shot back or protected yourself?

My life was being threatened so I really don’t know?

Ondelee do you want revenge or will you leave it alone and forgive?

I have forgiven him. Man has judged ( jury) and so will God.

Ondelee do you feel lucky?

In the beginning no because of the condition I was in being paralyzed from the neck down, but thinking about it I realized God gave me a second chance at life!

Ondelee what’s your biggest struggle with school?

Making it to the bathroom on time lol ,but honestly people starring and not being physically active as I use to be.

Ondelee do you feel this is normal?

Of course not I was a typical teenager people fail to remember just because it’s happening almost every day in our community it’s not normal!

Ondelee do you like your new life?

I’m alive it and I can not change the past. What has happen has happen, but I’m not going to crawl in a corner and die, I’m going to live life to the fullest knowing that God has a plan for me!

Ondelee how truthful is this film to your real life?

Very truthful my life is portrayed accurately.

Ondelee do you wish you would not have been involved in that fight now?

No because I was defending and trying to protect myself and family members .

Ondelee do you wish you didn’t go that party?

No it was a birthday party I went to celebrate and enjoy a friends birthday.

Ondelee what was your first thought after being shot, if any?

Am I going to die and the bullets are hot!

Ondelee do you consider yourself grateful?

Yes I am grateful to get a second chance at life!

Ondelee will you walk again?

I can walk. My goal is to walk better one day at a time